Schlagwort-Archive: GaleForceNine

Project „Pink Panther“

This had to be done. It was driving me insane. Over at OnTableTop (formerly known as Beasts Of War) there is some sort of running gag that everyone tries to get John Lyons to paint one of his beloved tanks pink. Of course he would never do that.

But others did. User Amachan did a project called „Manda’s (Amachan) Operation: Pink Tank “Sherbet”„. But that’s a Sherman. And no Panther. And… and… and… This was *the* chance to make an even bigger pun than just a pink tank.

So I just had to do it. First I thought I would just get a cheap model kit but those almost cost as much as TANKS. And that has not only one panther in it but two Shermans. Not only could I torture John with one pink panther but also two violet TRON style Shermans.

Let the torment begin!

The Pink Panther comes alive

Object create Sherman

First group photos

Final pictures after everything was varnished

I’m tempted to say „I’m sorry John“. But that would be a lie. I had a blast and not telling anyone about this project nearly killed me. I hope you all had fun too ;)